Hot Gas Cleanup Structure

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Project Details

  • Hot Gas Cleanup Structure
  • October 2018
  • Mulberry, Florida
  • $1.299.525,00


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    Hot Gas Cleanup Structure (Mulberry, Florida)

    This project involved the demolition and asset recovery of a 265’ tall hot gas cleanup structure located at an active state-of–the-art integrated coal gasification power plant.

    Extensive planning was required due to the close proximity to the operational gasification structure. Personnel were specially trained in the use of gas monitoring equipment, facility alarms and emergency evacuation procedures.

    The first phase involved the identification and removal of all assets associated with the structure including, piping, valves, actuators, complete electrical system, heat exchangers, tanks, hoists and specialized equipment. Items were carefully removed to ensure that they would bring the highest return on our investment.

    Demolition of the structure and items to large for removal during phase one were removed in the next phase. During demolition, pick plans were submitted to our customer for review and approval. Several tanks including some weighing up to 70,000 pounds were cut using torches, plasmas and burning rods to ensure their weights were within the prescribed lifting capacities. Once removed, all items were taken to the lay down yard for further processing and sorting.

    During the course of the project over 2.1 million pounds of steel and in excess of 330,000 pounds of non-ferrous metals including 304/310/321/316 stainless steel, aluminum, copper and inconel were removed. Around 99% of all materials were recycled or reused. The last phase of the project is the removal of the concrete pads to grade and the replacement/repair of the concrete which will enable our customer to reuse the structure site for future expansion.
